Durée : 4 jours
Dates : Du 21 au 24 octobre 2024
Lieu : Villejuif
Frais d'inscription : 250€
Nombre maximal de participants : 30
Contact et inscription : Maria KARATAS

Objectifs principaux

This international course offers 4 days of ESPEN LLL courses, lectures, workshop and discussions centered on current topics on nutritional care of adult cancer patients. Experts will present the current practices and hot topics in nutrition in cancer.

This course aims to raise awareness of the problem of undernutrition and train doctors and other healthcare professionals in the nutritional management of adult cancer patients in line with ESPEN recommendations. During the 4 days, will be delivered 3 LLL ESPEN courses, and during a round table with experts hot topics in cancer will be discussed. During a workshop, participants will learn about calorimetry and body composition. A thematic session will cover the key aspects of prehabilitation. Participants will have the opportunity to present clinical cases and to discuss and analyses it in the frame of the ESPEN guidelines and enjoy of the expertise of the Gustave Roussy experts.

This advanced course aims at fostering discussions and collaborations between participants, in addition to highlighting the latest basic and applied research results in nutrition and cancer.

Objectifs pédagogiques

This international course offers 4 days of ESPEN LLL courses, lectures, workshop and discussions centered on current topics on nutritional care of adult cancer patients. Experts will present the current practices and hot topics in nutrition in cancer.

This course aims to raise awareness of the problem of undernutrition and train doctors and other healthcare professionals in the nutritional management of adult cancer patients in line with ESPEN recommendations. During the 4 days, will be delivered 3 LLL ESPEN courses, and during a round table with experts hot topics in cancer will be discussed. During a workshop, participants will learn about calorimetry and body composition. A thematic session will cover the key aspects of prehabilitation. Participants will have the opportunity to present clinical cases and to discuss and analyses it in the frame of the ESPEN guidelines and enjoy of the expertise of the Gustave Roussy experts.

This advanced course aims at fostering discussions and collaborations between participants, in addition to highlighting the latest basic and applied research results in nutrition and cancer.

Détails du programme

October 21st

9h-13h: ESPEN LLL Nutritional support in Cancer

14h-16h Round table: Hot topics in cancer

October 22nd

 9h-13h: ESPEN LLL Nutritional support in the perioperative period

14h-16h Lecture and discussion: Prehabilitation in Cancer

October 23rd

9h-13h: ESPEN LLL Nutritional assessment and techniques

14h-16h Workshop: Calorimetry and body composition

October 24th

9h-13h: Micronutrients in cancer: Lecture and clinical cases

14-15:30h Cases discussion

Public concerné

Open to doctors, and health care professionals working in the field of cancer.

Conditions préalables


Méthodes et moyens pédagogiques

3 LLL ESPEN courses

a round table

a workshop

a thematic session

clinical cases to discuss and analyse

Discussions and collaborations between participants

Méthodes d'évaluation



Experts :

Course director: Diana Cardenas, MD, PhD

Alessandro Laviano MD,PhD

Professor of Internal Medicine at the Department of Clinical Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy


Carla Prado RD, PhD

Professor at the University of Alberta, Canada


Vanessa Fuchs RD, MD, PhD

Head of tthe Department of Nutrition, Hospital General de Mexico


Gustave Roussy team: Dr Bruno Raynard, Dr Marie Guinhut , Nathalie Ho HIo Hen and Dr Diana Cardenas

Plus d'informations

subscription : https://gustaveroussy.lightning.force.com/lightning/r/Formation_Academique__c/a0YSZ000007ABEX2A4/view?ws=%2Flightning%2Fr%2FProduct2%2F01t0900000Ac2DuAAJ%2Fview


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