In 2021, Unicancer’s health cooperation group (groupement de coopération sanitaire – GCS) welcomed a new member, Institut du Cancer Avignon-Provence (ICAP) as an affiliated centre. It joined the GCS after several years working together as part of the expansion strategy implemented by Unicancer governance.

“We wish to expand the GCS to other structures sharing the same level of excellence in oncology, in order to bring its expertise, its ability to pool resources and its strength to cancer stakeholders such as Sainte-Catherine”
Prof. Jean-Yves Blay, Unicancer President
The Unicancer network is growing
On 8 April 2021, the General Assembly of Unicancer’s health cooperation group (groupement de coopération sanitaire – GCS) – a structure that allows pooling resources, sharing excellence, expertise and innovation within the Unicancer network – unanimously voted in favour of the new affiliated membership of Sainte-Catherine – Institut du Cancer – Avignon-Provence (ICAP).

This is a first for the Unicancer GCS, which has brought together the 18 cancer centres (CLCC) and the Unicancer Federation since its creation.
Located in Avignon, the ICAP is a private health care centre (Établissement de Santé Privé d’Intérêt Collectif – ESPIC) carrying out a public service mission and specialised in the treatment of cancer patients, mainly through radiotherapy, chemotherapy and supportive care. After receiving its ISO 9001 certification in clinical research in 2020 this establishment became the “Institut du Cancer Avignon-Provence”.
In order to further deepen the collaboration that has existed for several years, the Unicancer network naturally welcomed the ICAP into its GCS as an affiliated centre. This new framework will enable Unicancer and Sainte Catherine to intensify their collaborative activities, an important aspect in the context of the implementation of the 2021-2031 French cancer strategy and the coordination and improvement of care pathways with all the health stakeholders in France.
“Since its creation, Sainte-Catherine’s teams have been guided by values shared with Unicancer: humanism, excellence, solidarity and innovation. The achievement of today is the fruit of a long-standing collaboration with French Comprehensive Cancer Centres (FCCCs).”
Roland Sicard, ICAP President