When faced with cancer, no one should choose between treatment of excellent quality, and a human-dimension medicine which respects patients. There is no need to spend lots of money to have the best chance of recovery. This is why Unicancer defends a unique healthcare model, which the Centres from our network follow on a daily basis.

“Each day, the Centres in our network uphold the values of Unicancer: excellence, humanism, solidarity and innovation, at the service of patients”
Prof. Jean-Yves Blay, Unicancer President
Our missions
Unicancer is a healthcare stakeholder defending the unique patient care model of French comprehensive cancer centres (Fccs), which combines excellence, humanism, solidarity and innovation.
As the only hospital federation dedicated to oncology in France, Unicancer is following an ambitious strategic plan, which protects the interests of FCCCs and manages their National Collective Agreement.
Covering the entire country, our Centres and their highly qualified specialist teams provide all patients with local care and an exclusive public service.
As part of our care, research and higher education missions, we are on a permanent quest for excellence in terms of healthcare and higher education, we have undertaken to a continuous quality improvement approach shared by all Centres. It reflects our ambition to be the leaders of innovation, in order to quickly make new treatment available to all patients.
As leading academic sponsor of clinical trials in oncology on a European scale, Unicancer also plays a major role in research. Recognised leader in this field, with one third of French international-level publications in the field of oncology, the Unicancer network helps promote French excellence worldwide.
Every day, we strive to facilitate access to innovative therapies for patients through clinical and translational research, by optimising therapeutic strategies and doing our utmost to further our knowledge of cancer and patient responses to the treatments.
Getting to know us better
Our strategy for cancer care in 2025
Our values
The Unicancer network’s action is based on 4 essential values :

Charter of commitments towards patients
Directly inspired by the values shared by the French comprehensive cancer centres (solidarity, humanism, innovation, excellence), the Unicancer’s Charter comprises 6 commitments towards patients. They embody the existing model of care adopted by the Unicancer network. Extremely concrete and tested with a representative sample, the charter provides specific evidence for each Centre for each of these commitments.
Signatory of the EPiHC initiative
Unicancer is also a signatory to the international EPiHC (Ethical Principles in Health Care) initiative, adhering to its 10 fundamental principles applied to the healthcare ecosystem, which contribute to the establishment of transparent and resilient healthcare systems.
Our 6 commitments towards patients
Sustainable development