Governance & Organization

Unicancer is at the same time a hospital federation, a clinical trial sponsor and a health cooperation group (groupement de coopération sanitaire – GCS).  Unicancer’s governance defines the network’s common strategy and orientations. The Directorate General and the Executive Committee implement this strategy.

The governance of Unicancer

The Unicancer Federation’s Board is the same as that of the Unicancer health cooperation group (groupement de coopération sanitaire – GCS). In the same way, the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Federation occupy the same positions within the Unicancer GCS.

For further information

Our organisational structure


The President of Unicancer chairs the Board. The Board proposes the common strategy for the centres, and it subsequently submits it to the General Assembly.
In October 2019, the General Assembly elected Professor Jean-Yves Blay, Director General of the Léon Bérard Centre (Lyon), to pilot Unicancer as its President for a 3-years' term.


Board members include 6 centres' directors, elected at the same time as the President for three years.

General Assembly

The General Assembly comprises the General Directors of the French comprehensive cancer centres (Fccs). Each Centre has a number of votes proportional to its share in the GCS. The General Assembly rules when most members are present or represented.

Directorate General and Executive Committee

Unicancer’s teams implement the guidelines and orientations set by the Board under the supervision of the Unicancer CEO, Ms Sophie Beaupère.