Built on excellence, the Unicancer model is based on comprehensive, multidisciplinary and innovative care that involves patients at every stage of their journey. From screening to post-treatment follow-up, this partnership dynamic is formalised in a Charter that all the CLCCs apply on a daily basis.
A shared model formalised in a Charter
Welcoming more than 600,000 patients each year, French comprehensive cancer centres (Fcccs) share the same patient care and organisational model.
This comprehensive innovative model is based on:
- quality of treatment and care
- taking into consideration the “patient experience“
- a type of governance associating flexibility and responsiveness
The Unicancer strategy supports and reinforces the unique nature of this model, which takes into account the different specialities linked to the fight against cancer, the university base and the complementary expertise of each Centre within our network.
Since 2019, the Unicancer model is formalised in our Charter of commitments towards patients, which guarantees them a quality and accessible treatment pathway, by providing them with essential information on the conditions of their care within the Unicancer network. A Charter which demonstrates our demand for transparency and interactivity in the relationship between our Centres, patients and their families.

“Unicancer promotes actions that will enable patients to be fully proactive in their treatment and to engage in a shared decision-making process with healthcare professionals. Their participation is essential for improving the relevance and quality of cancer care”
Sophie Beaupère, Unicancer CEO
Quality approach of our Centres
Care pathway and quality of life
Innovations in treatment and care
Always a forerunner, French Comprehensive Cancer Centres (FCCCs) actively collaborate to identify the main developments in cancer care and to update the current practices, in order to guarantee patients rapid access to state-of-the-art treatments, care and research.
For example, in the context of the patients’ pathways and quality-of-life, our network has set up highly innovative initiatives. Through its “Prevention Group”, Unicancer aims to make prevention a cornerstone of its care model, particularly by introducing personalised (primary, secondary, tertiary) prevention for our patients. Therapeutic innovations also necessarily involve research, one of the pillars of Unicancer’s and the Fcccs’ action, and particularly clinical trials.
Cancer innovations at the heart of the Centres
Joining a clinical trial
If they can do so and wish to do so, patients in our Centres have the opportunity to join a clinical trial, depending on their cancer and its potential treatment.
Considering the patient as a partner, even in the field of clinical research, Unicancer has set up oncology clinical research patient committees in partnership with the French “Ligue nationale contre le cancer”. The members of these committees are patients and their families, and they aim to:
- Optimise the quality of the information given to patients before they enter a trial
- Suggest changes to practices to improve patient comfort
- “Humanise” clinical trials