Unicancer provides support to expert groups responsible for addressing questions on therapeutic strategies and research.
Unicancer, in association with a multidisciplinary consortium, is creating a new digital infrastructure: WeShare. It will enable the acceleration of research in Human and Social Sciences in the field of Quality of Life in cancer and post-cancer. Coordinated scientifically by Gustave Roussy, the objective of the WeShare platform is to identify new levers to act on the impact of cancer and its treatment on patients’ quality of life.
WeShare is a unique, pioneering, patient-centred effort to equip research with innovative data production and collection tools to boost human and social science research in cancer.
Dr Ines Vaz Luis, oncologist at Gustave Roussy and scientific coordinator of WeShare.
The progress made in recent decades in the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients treated for cancer has improved both their life expectancy and their quality of life. The extension of patients’ life expectancy implies setting new priorities and developing new fields of research on the reduction of medical and psycho-social risks related to cancer and treatment. The aim is to facilitate the integration of human and social science research with conventional clinical oncology research.
WeShare aims to bring together patients and researchers to enable transformative research aimed at minimising the medical and social burden of cancer
Dr Ines Vaz Luis, oncologist at Gustave Roussy and scientific coordinator of WeShare.
As an innovative platform, WeShare will offer technological tools to address all research themes in the humanities and social sciences. The WeShare platform will also act as an incubator for innovative projects.
WeShare (ANR-21-ESRE-0017) has been selected for the 2020 Equipex call for projects by the ANR (French National Research Agency) under the “Investissements d’avenir” programme and has been awarded €11M in funding.
Unicancer with the scientific coordination of Dr Ines Vaz Luis has created a multidisciplinary consortium comprising :
A multidisciplinary approach was favoured with :
All partners have expertise in the development of technological equipment and have developed, in recent years, patient-oriented web applications or platforms, particularly focused on ePRO collection (e.g. CANTO, CAPRI, CLIC’CONSULT), connectors (e.g. ESMÉ) or community engagement networks (e.g. Seintinelles)
The WeShare pilot model will have two segments:
A significant number of high-priority projects have already been pre-identified, sponsored by partners and funded, and will be piloted in the WeShare incubator in the near future. It will then be open to national research actors, fully playing its role as a research incubator for future innovative projects.