Unicancer provides support to expert groups responsible for addressing questions on therapeutic strategies and research.
Institut Godinot
51726 Reims Cedex
Tél. : 03 26 50 44 44
Fax : 03 26 50 44 49
by HAS - French High Authority of Health
of the patient Overall score
of hospitalized patients
of the patient Overall score
of patients admitted for outpatient surgery
Institut Godinot is one of the 18 cancer centres in the Unicancer group. It carries out hospital and university teaching activities covering treatment, research, education and prevention.
Cancer patients are the core concern of the multidisciplinary teams on a daily basis. They offer patients a treatment model based on a comprehensive and personalised approach, from the diagnosis through to supportive care that comes with the treatment.
For a higher standard of care, all medical and technical resources are available on the same site. The Institute is involved in regional and national cooperation agreements to more effectively meet a treatment demand which, over a wide area, is not as fully met as at Institut Godinot.
Types of cancer treated
Cancers digestifs
Cancers de l’appareil génital masculin
Cancers urologiques
Cancer du poumon
Autres tumeurs thoraciques
Cancers de la sphère ORL
Cancer de la thyroïde et parathyroïde
Cancer du sein
Cancers gynécologiques
Tumeurs cutanées
Cancers des adolescents et jeunes adultes
Tumeurs rares
Tumeurs neuro-endocrines
Thérapies ciblées
Radiologie interventionnelle
Soins de support
Training courses
Formations continues / diplôme universitaire :
– D.I.U de soins palliatifs et d’accompagnement
– D.U de psycho-oncologie (pas de session 2021/2022)
– D.E.S.C de Cancérologie
– 1 – “Prévention, dépistage, surveille et expression des résultats en cancérologie”
– 2 – “Imagerie diagnostique et thérapeutique en cancérologie”