Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest (Angers/Nantes)

15, rue André Boquel
49055 Angers cedex 02

Tél. : 02 41 35 27 00 (Angers)

Boulevard Jacques Monod
44805 Saint Herblain cedex

Tél. : 02 40 67 99 00 (Nantes)

Note HAS (French High Authority of Health) Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (Angers)
Certification of the centre
by HAS - French High Authority of Health
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of hospitalized patients
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of patients admitted for outpatient surgery

Note HAS (French High Authority of Health) Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest (Nantes)
Certification of the centre
by HAS - French High Authority of Health
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of hospitalized patients
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of patients admitted for outpatient surgery

ICO, cancer centre with almost one hundred years’ experience, welcomes more than 47,000 patients each year (47,767 in 2021) between its two centres in Pays de la Loire:

  • In Angers (head office)
  • In Saint-Herblain

State-of-the-art medicine at the service of patients

Specialised in oncology, the professionals at ICO provide personalised, innovative and multidisciplinary support for patients at all stages of their healthcare pathway. From rapid diagnosis to surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, management also covers supportive care which is very highly developed at the centre.

Integration of treatment, research and teaching

ICO’s research activity, a mission in its own right, ranges from primary research through translational research to clinical trials. It is applied in all oncology disciplines: medical oncology, radiotherapy, surgery, anaesthesia, nuclear medicine, medical imaging, supportive care and human sciences.

The centre trains the professionals of the future through its teaching activity. Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest is today a regional, national and international reference centre.

Number of beds and places
Number of employees
Number of patients treated every year

Types of cancer treated

Cancers digestifs
Cancers de l’appareil génital masculin
Cancers urologiques
Tumeurs du système nerveux central
Cancer du poumon
Autres tumeurs thoraciques
Cancers de la sphère ORL
Cancer de la thyroïde et parathyroïde
Cancer du sein
Cancers gynécologiques
Tumeurs cutanées
Tumeurs ostéoarticulaires
Cancers pédiatriques, des adolescents et jeunes adultes
Tumeurs rares
Tumeurs de la surrénale
Tumeurs neuro-endocrines


Thérapies ciblées
Radiologie interventionnelle
Greffe de moelle osseuse
Immunothérapie intratumorale
Soins de support

Training courses

Formation kiné et cancer du sein – 3 jours : 16-17-18 septembre 2021 à ICO Saint-Herblain

Formation dénutrition – 1 jour : 28 septembre 2021 à ICO ANGERS

Formation CCI et PICC line – 2 jours : théorie le 28 septembre 2021 à Saint-Herblain + 1 journée de stage pratique au choix

Formation Onco sexologie – 1 jour : 7 octobre 2021 à ANGERS

Formation kiné et cancer du sein – 3 jours : 15-16 novembre + stage pratique le 18 novembre en GUADELOUPE (via ICO Saint-Herblain)

Formation kiné et cancer du sein – 3 jours : 15-16 novembre + stage pratique le 19 novembre en GUADELOUPE (via ICO Saint-Herblain)

Labels of the centre

Centre's social networks