Institut Bergonié

229 Cours de l'Argonne - CS61283
33 076 Bordeaux Cedex

Tél. : 05 56 33 33 33
Fax : 05 56 33 33 30

Note HAS (French High Authority of Health)
Certification of the centre
by HAS - French High Authority of Health
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of hospitalized patients
Satisfaction and feedback
of the patient Overall score
of patients admitted for outpatient surgery

Institut Bergonié is the only cancer centre in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Institut Bergonié has a triple mission in terms of treatment, research and teaching, in accordance with a multidsciplinary approach in all of these fields. Today, prevention and holistic treatment of each patient are part of these missions.

For almost 100 years, it has been contributing to medical progress and international reach for research into cancer prevention, screening and treatment.

Institut Bergonié aims to develop new diagnosis and treatment strategies in patients’ care. This ambition implies permanent development of our equipment and our structures in order to continue our research efforts.

The next decade is opening up a number of groundbreaking perspectives in terms of data processing, production of new algorithms (artificial intelligence) and this with a sole objective, to better diagnose and treat cancer.

Its model is based on the continuity between basic research and care. Based on bringing together researchers, carers and patients, it enables the acceleration of the availability of new diagnoses and treatments. Nearly 1,200 employees, including nearly 150 doctors, are involved in these various missions.

Number of beds and places
Number of employees
Number of patients treated every year

Types of cancer treated

Thérapies ciblées
Radiologie interventionnelle
Immunothérapie intratumorale
Soins de support


Cancers digestifs
Cancers hématologiques
Cancers de l’appareil génital masculin
Cancers urologiques
Tumeurs du système nerveux central
Cancer du poumon
Autres tumeurs thoraciques
Cancers de la sphère ORL
Cancer de la thyroïde et parathyroïde
Cancer du sein
Cancers gynécologiques
Cancers des adolescents et jeunes adultes
Tumeurs rares
Tumeurs de la surrénale
Tumeurs neuro-endocrines

Training courses

Entretiens de soignants dans le dispositif d’annonce

Soins palliatifs en cancérologie

Cicatrisation, plaies complexes et soins de stomies en cancérologie

Essentiel en chimiothérapies anticancereuses

Relation au quotidien avec la personne atteinte d’un cancer et son entourage

Consulter la page ATRIUM Formations

Labels of the centre

Centre's social networks